Our Family

We are the Lawson family! Erick, Laurie, Gabby, Maddy, Ally, and Anbesa (Little Lion Man)! This blog is documenting our adoption of LLM from Ethiopia! Feel free to respond to our post and we will try to post as much as possible. Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Learning and Fellowship

Last night we had the opportunity to meet with other Lifeline families from Kentucky who are adopting from various countries.  This was an educational event, designed  to help families prepare the siblings for the adoption.  We received so much valuable information, that we had been seeking, but relished the opportunity to hear stories from other families about their journey.  Everyone was in various stages, and provided insight on things to come.

More importantly between the fellowship and the learning event, Laurie and I concluded we are on the right path.  Our agency is one of the best, and last night proved just how much they care for their families.  While
we have never doubted our choice, we have questioned why we were blessed to have adoption placed on our heart.  We have been blessed beyond measure with three healthy, beautiful children, and could never ask for more, yet the Lord has said He is not finished with our family.  It is so wonderful to know, that through all of the hardships, God continues to bless our family.  As we learned last night, the way we handle the stress of adoption, directly affects the girls.  We are comforted in our strong relationship with each other and most importantly our Lord and Savior.  We have been called to care for the fatherless and it is an opportunity that we as a family could never pass up.

We could not imagine going through this journey without this support group of family and friends, specifically being able to adopt at the same time as our friends.  We have many friends who have previously adopted, just brought their child home, or are traveling the road at the same time as us.  Without them and our family, this would be a more challenging commitment.  It is comforting to see that there is a light at the end of the long, long tunnel, that one day God will choose our time to bring our son home!

On a more solemn note, it was difficult to hear of the challenges facing domestic adoption, more specifically the challenges that birth mothers face when deciding how to handle a crisis pregnancy.  It was said that traditionally birth mothers feel that they only have two options, parent the child, or have an abortion.  While
the latter is definitely heartbreaking, a birth mother trying to parent  without the needed resources is troubling as well.  Lifeline offers an adoption solution to birth mothers facing this challenging situation, and I encourage you to communicate this resource to anyone you know who may be facing the decision. Click the following link for more information. http://lifelinechild.org/pregnant  Also, please check out the newest video released by lifeline.

It is an awesome morning, provided to us undeserving, but by a loving God!  Be a difference maker today in whatever situation you encounter!

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