Our Family

We are the Lawson family! Erick, Laurie, Gabby, Maddy, Ally, and Anbesa (Little Lion Man)! This blog is documenting our adoption of LLM from Ethiopia! Feel free to respond to our post and we will try to post as much as possible. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I have posted.  I am so thankful that Erick is so much better at this than I am.  Well, we finished our first 10 hrs of online training.  Wow it had so much information to process but was so worth it.  As I was doing the readings I was all over the place with emotions.  I am so excited to be in this process and can't wait to bring our little man home, but oh my goodness I am scared to death as well.  I know we are far from actually bringing him home, but it still scares me.  I knew it would change our lives here, but it is going to completely turn his world upside down.  These orphans are in orphanages where they most likely don't have one on one time with anyone.  It's usually 10-15 kids to 1 caregiver.  So they go from that to a family of 5 who will bow to his beckon need.  Could you imagine how that would feel?  The only way I can picture it is me in a room with wall to wall people and not knowing a single one of them, AND I'm expected act like I know them and understand them.  Just thinking about that puts me in panic mode.  My prayers everyday and night are that not only will God prepare us for this wonderful journey, but to be with our son that he has already chosen for us.  I pray that He prepares our son for the life with his forever family and that He prepares him for the endless amount of love that is waiting for him. 

Our church is doing Adoption Sunday this coming Sunday.  Erick and I have been asked to speak about our process.  I do ask for prayers for this because I am not a public speaker but I do feel this is something that needs awareness brought to.  There are 153 million orphans in the world, 5 million of those are in Ethiopia.  That breaks my heart.  During 2008-2009 adoption was at it's peak and every year since then the numbers keep getting lower and lower.  It is our job as Christian, as parents to bring awareness to this.  God has called all of us to care for the orphans, whether that is through adoptions or financials, or however God is leading you.

I continue everyday to be amazed that God has chosen our family to adopt.  I am also very thankful for this opportunity.  Our God has been so generous and merciful by adopting us.  I pray that He continues to bless us through this process so we can show the same kind of love, kindness, and mercy to our little lion man that God has shown us.

Psalm 68:5-6

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